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#INSPIRATIONAL: Man Wears His Late Wife's Picture To Make Their Baby Eat


This is heartbreaking, inspiring, encouraging and emotional all at the same time. I saw this picture on Facebook days back. It was about a man who wore a picture of his late wife just so that their little baby who have been rejecting food could agree to eat.

When I read this I began to wonder how magical the bond between a mother and her child is. The baby refused food just because the face she is seeing isn't that of her beloved mum. The father being a loving daddy had to device a means to feed his child. Love is stronger than anything if only given a chance. This incidence has proven that the bond of love knows no bounds of age and time.

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  1. yea it really is. he has proven that everyman should do his best to build his home no matter the condition at hand. thanks for your comments.


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